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Apollo 18 movie

Apollo 18 movie
Decades-old begin footage from NASA's alone Apollo 18 mission, area two American astronauts were beatific on a abstruse expedition, reveals the acumen the U.S. has never alternate to the moon.
I went to a clandestine screening, not assured much. It was one of those "found footage" films like the Blair witch activity and Paranormal Activity.
I was assured to be bored, but candidly afterwards anniversary casual minute in the film, it aloof got alike added terrifying. Let me aloof acquaint you, this cine isn't aloof jump scenes, it's about the tension, and it delivers actual able shock and alarm in some parts. It gets to the point area you are blessed you're on earth. (Even admitting it's acutely fake).
I am actual afflicted with this film, I will rank it in my top 10 films of all time. And I'm not abundant of a abhorrence cine goer. I acclaim it.

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